Class XMLDocBookpeardoc2Converter

(line 58)



Located in File: /phpDocumentor/Converters/XML/DocBook/peardoc2/

XML DocBook converter.

This Converter takes output from the Parser and converts it to DocBook output for PEAR documentation.

This Converter differs from the parent DocBook Converter in that it does not recognize the possibility of procedural pages or of functions! All functions must be defined as static methods for namespace purposes. In addition, all constants and global variables for a package are grouped together as per peardoc2 requirements. Include statements are not documented. If you want to document a normal project, don't use the peardoc2 converter, use the DocBook converter.

Class Variables

string $base_dir
string $category
string $class
Template $class_data
string $class_dir
array $current
boolean $juststarted
array $leftindex
boolean $local
mixed $method_data
string $name
string $outputformat
Smarty $packagexml
string $page
Template $page_data
string $page_dir
string $path
mixed $sourceloc

$base_dir (line 134)

Data type : string

target directory passed on the command-line.

$targetDir is malleable, always adding package/ and package/subpackage/ subdirectories onto it.

$category (line 207)

Data type : string

peardoc2 Category

$class (line 103)

Data type : string

Overrides: Array

name of current class being converted

$class_data (line 146)

Data type : Template

Overrides: Array

template for the class currently being processed

$class_dir (line 140)

Data type : string

output directory for the current class being processed

$current (line 176)

Data type : array

contains all of the template procedural page element loop data needed for the current template

$currentclass (line 182)

Data type : array

contains all of the template class element loop data needed for the current template

$function_data = array() (line 198)

Data type : mixed

$juststarted = false (line 170)

Data type : boolean

controls formatting of parser informative output

Converter prints: "Converting /path/to/file.php... Procedural Page Elements... Classes..." Since HTMLdefaultConverter outputs files while converting, it needs to send a \n to start a new line. However, if there is more than one class, output is messy, with multiple \n's just between class file output. This variable prevents that and is purely cosmetic

$leftindex = array('classes' => true, 'pages' => false, 'functions' => false, 'defines' => true, 'globals' => true) (line 80)

Data type : array

Overrides: Array

indexes of elements by package that need to be generated

$local = true (line 85)

Data type : boolean

whether a @see is going to be in the $base_dir, or in a package/subpackage subdirectory of $base_dir

$method_data = array() (line 199)

Data type : mixed

$name = 'DocBook/peardoc2' (line 75)

Data type : string

$outputformat = 'XML' (line 73)

Data type : string

Overrides: Array

$packagexml (line 159)

Data type : Smarty

Contents of the packagename.xml file are stored in this template variable

$package_pages = array() (line 153)

Data type : array

array of converted package page names.

Used to link to the package page in the left index

  • var: - Format: array(package => 1)

$page (line 91)

Data type : string

Overrides: Array

name of current page being converted

$page_data (line 109)

Data type : Template

Overrides: Array

template for the procedural page currently being processed

$page_dir (line 115)

Data type : string

output directory for the current procedural page being processed

$path (line 97)

Data type : string

Overrides: Array

path of current page being converted

$processSpecialRoots = true (line 65)

Data type : boolean

Overrides: Array

This converter knows about the new root tree processing

In order to fix PEAR Bug #6389

$sort_absolutely_everything = true (line 187)

Data type : mixed

Overrides: Array

Pass elements by package, simplifies generation of package.xml/category.xml

$sort_page_contents_by_type = true (line 71)

Data type : boolean

Overrides: Array

XMLDocBookConverter wants elements sorted by type as well as alphabetically

$sourceloc = '' (line 202)

Data type : mixed

$template_options = array('usepear' => false) (line 196)

Data type : array

Overrides: Array

template options. Currently only 1 recognized option usepear

usepear tells the getLink() function to return a package link to PEAR and PEAR_ERROR if possible, and to link directly to the fully-delimited link package#class.method or package#file.method in PEAR style, if possible, even if the package is not parsed. This will allow parsing of separate PEAR packages without parsing the entire thing at once!

$_peardoc2_constants = false (line 121)

Data type : array

Constants, used for constants.tpl

$_peardoc2_globals = false (line 127)

Data type : array

Global Variables, used for globals.tpl

$_write_constants_xml = array() (line 200)

Data type : mixed

$_write_globals_xml = array() (line 201)

Data type : mixed

Class Constants


Method Detail

XMLDocBookpeardoc2Converter XMLDocBookpeardoc2Converter ( &$allp,  &$packp,  &$classes,  &$procpages,  $po,  $pp,  $qm,  $targetDir,  $templateDir,  $title)
void addSummaryToPackageXml ( $template_output)
void Br ( $input)
void convertClass (parserClass &$element)
void convertDefine (parserDefine &$element)
void ConvertErrorLog ()
void convertFunction (parserFunction &$element)
void convertGlobal (parserGlobal &$element)
void convertInclude (parserInclude &$element)
void convertMethod (parserMethod &$element)
void convertPage (parserData &$element)
void convertTutorial (parserTutorial &$element)
void convertVar (parserVar &$element)
void endClass ()
string exampleProgramExample (string $example, [boolean $tutorial = false], [ $inlinesourceparse = null], [ $class = null], [ $linenum = null], [ $filesourcepath = null])
void flushPackageXml (parserClass|false $element)
void formatIndex ()
void formatLeftIndex ()
void formatPkgIndex ()
void generateFormattedClassTrees (string $package)
void generateFormattedInterfaceTrees (string $package)
void generatePkgElementIndex (string $package)
void getCData ( $value)
mixed getClassLink (string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true], [ $with_a = true])
mixed getDefineLink (string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])
void getExampleLink ( $unused,  $title)
mixed getFunctionLink (string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])
mixed getGlobalLink (string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])
string getId (mixed &$el, [boolean $returnpackage = false])
void &getLink ( $expr, [ $package = false], [ $packages = false])
mixed getMethodLink (string $expr, string $class, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])
mixed getPageLink (string $expr, string $package, [string $path = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])
void getPageName ( &$element)
string getRootTree (array $tree, string $package, [ $noparent = false], boolean $nounknownparent)
string getSourceAnchor (string $sourcefile, string $anchor, [string $text = ''], [boolean $link = false])
void getTutorialId ( $package,  $subpackage,  $tutorial,  $id,  $category)
mixed getVarLink (string $expr, string $class, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])
void makeLeft ()
void Output ()
void postProcess ( $text)
void prepareDocBlock ( &$element, [ $nopackage = true])
void ProgramExample ( $listing, [ $tutorial = false], [ $inlinesourceparse = null], [ $class = null], [ $linenum = null], [ $filesourcepath = null], [ $origsource = null])
int rcNatCmp (mixed $a, mixed $b)
int rcNatCmp1 (mixed $a, mixed $b)
string returnLink (string $link, string $text)
void returnSee (abstractLink &$element, [string $eltext = false], [boolean $local = true], [boolean $with_a = true])
void setTemplateDir ( $dir)
void type_adjust ( $typename)
void unmangle ( $s,  $sourcecode)
void wordwrap ( $string)
void writeExample ( $title,  $path,  $source)
void writeFile (string $file, string $data, [boolean $binary = false])
void writeNewPPage ( $key)
void writeSource ()

Constructor XMLDocBookpeardoc2Converter (line 220)

XMLDocBookpeardoc2Converter XMLDocBookpeardoc2Converter( &$allp, &$packp, &$classes, &$procpages, $po, $pp, $qm, $targetDir, $templateDir, $title)

sets $base_dir to $targetDir


  • &$allp:
  • &$packp:
  • &$classes:
  • &$procpages:
  • $po:
  • $pp:
  • $qm:
  • $targetDir:
  • $templateDir:
  • $title:


Method addSummaryToPackageXml (line 345)

void addSummaryToPackageXml( $template_output)


  • $template_output:


Method Br (line 681)

void Br( $input)

Overrides : Converter::Br() Used to convert <br> in a docblock


  • $input:


Method convertClass (line 793)

void convertClass( parserClass &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertClass() Default Class Handler

Converts class for template output



Method convertDefine (line 1009)

void convertDefine( parserDefine &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertDefine() Converts defines for template output

Converts defines for template output



Method ConvertErrorLog (line 565)

void ConvertErrorLog( )

Overrides : Converter::ConvertErrorLog() Convert the phpDocumentor parsing/conversion error log

Create errors.html template file output

This method takes all parsing errors and warnings and spits them out ordered by file and line number.


  • global - ErrorTracker $phpDocumentor_errors: We'll be using it's output facility

Method convertFunction (line 937)

void convertFunction( parserFunction &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertFunction() Converts function for template output

Converts function for template output - does nothing in peardoc2!



Method convertGlobal (line 1049)

void convertGlobal( parserGlobal &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertGlobal() Converts global variables for template output

Converts global variables for template output



Method convertInclude (line 989)

void convertInclude( parserInclude &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertInclude() Converts includes for template output

Converts include elements for template output

Completely ignored by this converter



Method convertMethod (line 861)

void convertMethod( parserMethod &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertMethod() Converts method for template output

Converts method for template output



Method convertPackagePage (line 708)

void convertPackagePage( parserPackagePage &$element)

Does nothing - use tutorials for DocBook



Method convertPage (line 1099)

void convertPage( parserData &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertPage() Default Page Handler

converts procedural pages for template output



Method convertTutorial (line 716)

void convertTutorial( parserTutorial &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertTutorial() Default Tutorial Handler

Convert tutorials for output



Method convertVar (line 755)

void convertVar( parserVar &$element)

Overrides : Converter::convertVar() Converts class variables for template output.

Does nothing in this converter



Method endClass (line 322)

void endClass( )

Overrides : Converter::endClass() Called by walk() while converting, when the last class element has been parsed.

Writes out the template file of $class_data and unsets the template to save memory


  • see - registerCurrentClass()
  • see - Converter::endClass()
  • todo - move class summary into an array to be written out at the end of parsing each package

Method exampleProgramExample (line 276)

string exampleProgramExample( string $example, [boolean $tutorial = false], [ $inlinesourceparse = null], [ $class = null], [ $linenum = null], [ $filesourcepath = null])

Overrides : Converter::exampleProgramExample() Used to convert the {@example} inline tag in a docblock.

Used to convert the {@example} inline tag in a docblock.

By default, this just wraps ProgramExample


  • string $example:
  • boolean $tutorial: true if this is to highlight a tutorial <programlisting>
  • $inlinesourceparse:
  • $class:
  • $linenum:
  • $filesourcepath:


  • see - XMLDocBookpeardoc2Converter::exampleProgramExample

Method flushPackageXml (line 353)

void flushPackageXml( parserClass|false $element)


  • parserClass|false $element: is false if this is the end of all conversion


Method formatIndex (line 419)

void formatIndex( )

Overrides : Converter::formatIndex() Called by walk() while converting.

Does nothing


Method formatLeftIndex (line 440)

void formatLeftIndex( )

Overrides : Converter::formatLeftIndex() Called by walk() while converting.

Creates package/lang/categoryname/packagename.xml for each package


Method formatPkgIndex (line 412)

void formatPkgIndex( )

Overrides : Converter::formatPkgIndex() Called by walk() while converting.

Does nothing


Method generateChildClassList (line 1165)

void generateChildClassList( parserClass $class)

Overrides : Converter::generateChildClassList() returns a list of child classes

returns a list of child classes



Method generateElementIndex (line 1378)

void generateElementIndex( )

does nothing


Method generateFormattedClassTree (line 1124)

array generateFormattedClassTree( parserClass $class)

Overrides : Converter::generateFormattedClassTree() returns an array containing the class inheritance tree from the root object to the class.

returns an array containing the class inheritance tree from the root object to the class



Method generateFormattedClassTrees (line 1201)

void generateFormattedClassTrees( string $package)

returns a template-enabled array of class trees


  • string $package: package to generate a class tree for


  • see - $roots, HTMLConverter::getRootTree()

Method generateFormattedInterfaceTrees (line 1255)

void generateFormattedInterfaceTrees( string $package)

returns a template-enabled array of interface inheritance trees


  • string $package: package to generate a class tree for


  • see - $roots, HTMLConverter::getRootTree()

Method generatePkgElementIndex (line 1394)

void generatePkgElementIndex( string $package)

Generate alphabetical index of all elements by package and subpackage


  • string $package: name of a package


Method generatePkgElementIndexes (line 1402)

void generatePkgElementIndexes( )


Method getCData (line 686)

void getCData( $value)


  • $value:


Method getClassLink (line 1415)

mixed getClassLink( string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true], [ $with_a = true])

Overrides : Converter::getClassLink() return false or a classLink to $expr


  • string $expr: name of class
  • string $package: package name
  • string $file: full path to look in (used in index generation)
  • boolean $text: deprecated
  • boolean $local: return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
  • $with_a:


Method getDefineLink (line 1447)

mixed getDefineLink( string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])

Overrides : Converter::getDefineLink() return false or a defineLink to $expr


  • string $expr: name of define
  • string $package: package name
  • string $file: full path to look in (used in index generation)
  • boolean $text: deprecated
  • boolean $local: return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag


Method getExampleLink (line 290)

void getExampleLink( $unused, $title)


  • $unused:
  • $title:


Method getFunctionLink (line 1431)

mixed getFunctionLink( string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])

Overrides : Converter::getFunctionLink() return false or a functionLink to $expr


  • string $expr: name of function
  • string $package: package name
  • string $file: full path to look in (used in index generation)
  • boolean $text: deprecated
  • boolean $local: return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag


Method getGlobalLink (line 1463)

mixed getGlobalLink( string $expr, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])

Overrides : Converter::getGlobalLink() return false or a globalLink to $expr


  • string $expr: name of global variable
  • string $package: package name
  • string $file: full path to look in (used in index generation)
  • boolean $text: deprecated
  • boolean $local: return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag


Method getId (line 513)

string getId( mixed &$el, [boolean $returnpackage = false])

Overrides : Converter::getId() take abstractLink descendant and text $eltext and return a

Get the id value needed to allow linking


  • mixed &$el: descendant of parserElement or parserData/parserPage
  • boolean $returnpackage: true to return the id for the package page


Method getLink (line 237)

void &getLink( $expr, [ $package = false], [ $packages = false])

Overrides : Converter::getLink() The meat of the @see tag and inline {@link} tag

do that stuff in $template_options


  • $expr:
  • $package:
  • $packages:


Method getMethodLink (line 1496)

mixed getMethodLink( string $expr, string $class, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])

Overrides : Converter::getMethodLink() return false or a methodLink to $expr in $class


  • string $expr: name of method
  • string $class: class containing method
  • string $package: package name
  • string $file: full path to look in (used in index generation)
  • boolean $text: deprecated
  • boolean $local: return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag


Method getPageLink (line 1479)

mixed getPageLink( string $expr, string $package, [string $path = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])

Overrides : Converter::getPageLink() return false or a pageLink to $expr


  • string $expr: name of procedural page
  • string $package: package name
  • string $path: full path to look in (used in index generation)
  • boolean $text: deprecated
  • boolean $local: return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag


Method getPageName (line 1111)

void getPageName( &$element)


  • &$element:


Method getRootTree (line 1312)

string getRootTree( array $tree, string $package, [ $noparent = false], boolean $nounknownparent)

return formatted class tree for the Class Trees page


  • array $tree: output from getSortedClassTreeFromClass()
  • string $package: package
  • boolean $nounknownparent: if true, an object's parent will not be checked
  • $noparent:


Method getSourceAnchor (line 676)

string getSourceAnchor( string $sourcefile, string $anchor, [string $text = ''], [boolean $link = false])

Retrieve a Converter-specific anchor to a segment of a source code file parsed via a @filesource tag.

NOTE: unused


  • string $sourcefile: full path to source file
  • string $anchor: name of anchor
  • string $text: link text, if this is a link
  • boolean $link: returns either a link or a destination based on this parameter


  • return - link to an anchor, or the anchor

Method getTutorialId (line 656)

void getTutorialId( $package, $subpackage, $tutorial, $id, $category)

Overrides : Converter::getTutorialId() Return a converter-specific id to distinguish tutorials and their sections


  • $package:
  • $subpackage:
  • $tutorial:
  • $id:
  • $category:


Method getVarLink (line 1513)

mixed getVarLink( string $expr, string $class, string $package, [string $file = false], [boolean $text = false], [boolean $local = true])

Overrides : Converter::getVarLink() return false or a varLink to $expr in $class


  • string $expr: name of var
  • string $class: class containing var
  • string $package: package name
  • string $file: full path to look in (used in index generation)
  • boolean $text: deprecated
  • boolean $local: return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag


Method makeLeft (line 405)

void makeLeft( )


Method Output (line 1575)

void Output( )

Overrides : Converter::Output() do all necessary output

Generate the constants.xml, packagename.xml, and globals.xml files


Method postProcess (line 626)

void postProcess( $text)

Overrides : Converter::postProcess() This version does nothing


  • $text:


Method prepareDocBlock (line 631)

void prepareDocBlock( &$element, [ $nopackage = true])

Overrides : Converter::prepareDocBlock() convert the element's DocBlock for output


  • &$element:
  • $nopackage:


Method ProgramExample (line 691)

void ProgramExample( $listing, [ $tutorial = false], [ $inlinesourceparse = null], [ $class = null], [ $linenum = null], [ $filesourcepath = null], [ $origsource = null])

Overrides : Converter::ProgramExample() Used to convert the <code> tag in a docblock


  • $listing:
  • $tutorial:
  • $inlinesourceparse:
  • $class:
  • $linenum:
  • $filesourcepath:
  • $origsource:


Method rcNatCmp (line 1527)

int rcNatCmp( mixed $a, mixed $b)

does a nat case sort on the specified second level value of the array


  • mixed $a:
  • mixed $b:


Method rcNatCmp1 (line 1543)

int rcNatCmp1( mixed $a, mixed $b)

does a nat case sort on the specified second level value of the array.

this one puts constructors first


  • mixed $a:
  • mixed $b:


Method returnLink (line 400)

string returnLink( string $link, string $text)

Overrides : Converter::returnLink() take URL $link and text $text and return a link in the format needed for the Converter


  • string $link:
  • string $text:


  • return - <ulink url="'.$link.'">'.$text.'</ulink>

Method returnSee (line 453)

void returnSee( abstractLink &$element, [string $eltext = false], [boolean $local = true], [boolean $with_a = true])

Overrides : Converter::returnSee() take abstractLink descendant and text $eltext and return a link

This function takes an abstractLink descendant and returns an html link


  • abstractLink &$element: a descendant of abstractlink should be passed, and never text
  • string $eltext: text to display in the link
  • boolean $local: this parameter is not used, and is deprecated
  • boolean $with_a: determines whether the returned text is enclosed in an <link> tag


Method setTemplateDir (line 1382)

void setTemplateDir( $dir)

Overrides : Converter::setTemplateDir() sets the template directory based on the $outputformat and $name


  • $dir:


Method type_adjust (line 296)

void type_adjust( $typename)

Overrides : Converter::type_adjust() Called by parserReturnTag::Convert() to allow converters to change type names to desired formatting


  • $typename:


Method unmangle (line 242)

void unmangle( $s, $sourcecode)

Overrides : Converter::unmangle() Called by parserSourceInlineTag::stringConvert() to allow converters to format the source code the way they'd like.


  • $s:
  • $sourcecode:


Method wordwrap (line 1567)

void wordwrap( $string)


  • $string:


Method writeExample (line 285)

void writeExample( $title, $path, $source)

Overrides : Converter::writeExample() Write out the formatted source code for an example php file


  • $title:
  • $path:
  • $source:


Method writeFile (line 254)

void writeFile( string $file, string $data, [boolean $binary = false])

Overrides : Converter::writeFile() Writes a file to target dir

Writes a file to target dir, beautify any .xml files first


  • string $file: filename
  • string $data: file contents
  • boolean $binary: true if the data is binary and not text


Method writeNewPPage (line 426)

void writeNewPPage( $key)

Does nothing


  • $key:


Method writeSource (line 433)

void writeSource( )

Overrides : Converter::writeSource() Write out the formatted source code for a php file

Does nothing


Inherited Variables

Inherited Class Variable Summary

Inherited From Class Converter

Converter::$all_packages - All packages encountered in parsing

Converter::$classes - All class information, organized by path, and by package

Converter::$class_contents - alphabetical index of all methods and vars in a class by package/subpackage

Converter::$class_elements - alphabetized index of classes by package

Converter::$curfile - full path of the current file being converted

Converter::$curpage - current procedural page being processed

Converter::$define_elements - alphabetized index of defines by package

Converter::$elements - alphabetical index of all elements

Converter::$function_elements - alphabetized index of functions by package

Converter::$global_elements - alphabetized index of global variables by package

Converter::$highlightingSource - Flag used to help converters determine whether to do special source highlighting

Converter::$package - package name currently being converted

Converter::$packagecategories - Packages associated with categories

Converter::$package_elements - alphabetical index of all elements sorted by package, subpackage, page, and class.

Converter::$package_output - set to value of -po commandline

Converter::$package_parents - Hierarchy of packages

Converter::$page_contents - alphabetical index of all elements on a page by package/subpackage

Converter::$page_elements - alphabetized index of procedural pages by package

Converter::$parseprivate - controls processing of elements marked private with @access private

Converter::$pkg_elements - alphabetical index of all elements, indexed by package/subpackage

Converter::$quietmode - controls display of progress information while parsing.

Converter::$smarty_dir - Directory that the smarty templates are in

Converter::$sourcePaths - A list of files that have had source code generated

Converter::$subpackage - subpackage name currently being converted

Converter::$targetDir - directory that output is sent to. -t command-line sets this.

Converter::$templateDir - Directory that the template is in, relative to phpDocumentor root directory

Converter::$templateName - Name of the template, from last part of -o

Converter::$title -

Converter::$todoList - List of all @todo tags and a link to the element with the @todo

Inherited Methods

Inherited Method Summary

Inherited From Class Converter

Converter::Converter() - Initialize Converter data structures

Converter::AttrToString() - Convert the attribute of a Tutorial docbook tag's attribute list

Converter::Bolden() - Used to convert the contents of <b> in a docblock

Converter::Br() - Used to convert <br> in a docblock

Converter::checkState() - Compare parserStringWithInlineTags::Convert() cache state to $state

Converter::cleanup() - Finish up parsing/cleanup directories

Converter::Convert() - Convert all elements to output format

Converter::convertClass() - Default Class Handler

Converter::convertConst() - Converts class constants for template output.

Converter::convertDefine() - Converts defines for template output

Converter::ConvertErrorLog() - Convert the phpDocumentor parsing/conversion error log

Converter::convertFunction() - Converts function for template output

Converter::convertGlobal() - Converts global variables for template output

Converter::convertInclude() - Converts includes for template output

Converter::convertMethod() - Converts method for template output

Converter::convertPage() - Default Page Handler

Converter::ConvertTitle() - Convert the title of a Tutorial docbook tag section

Converter::ConvertTodoList() - Convert the list of all @todo tags

Converter::convertTutorial() - Default Tutorial Handler

Converter::convertVar() - Converts class variables for template output.

Converter::Convert_RIC() - Convert README/INSTALL/CHANGELOG file contents to output format

Converter::copyFile() - Copies a file from the template directory to the target directory

Converter::createParentDir() - Recursively creates all subdirectories that don't exist in the $dir path

Converter::EncloseList() - Used to convert the contents of <ol> or <ul> in a docblock

Converter::EncloseParagraph() - Used to enclose a paragraph in a docblock

Converter::endClass() - Called by walk() while converting, when the last class element has been parsed.

Converter::endPage() - Called by walk() while converting, when the last procedural page element has been parsed.

Converter::exampleProgramExample() - Used to convert the {@example} inline tag in a docblock.

Converter::flushHighlightCache() - Return the close text for the current token

Converter::formatIndex() - Called by walk() while converting.

Converter::formatLeftIndex() - Called by walk() while converting.

Converter::formatPkgIndex() - Called by walk() while converting.

Converter::formatTutorialTOC() - Creates a table of contents for a {@toc} inline tag in a tutorial

Converter::generateChildClassList() - returns a list of child classes

Converter::generateFormattedClassTree() - returns an array containing the class inheritance tree from the root object to the class.

Converter::getClassesOnPage() - gets a list of all classes declared on a procedural page represented by

Converter::getClassLink() - return false or a classLink to $expr

Converter::getConstLink() - return false or a constLink to $expr in $class

Converter::getConverterDir() - Get the absolute path to the converter's base directory

Converter::getCurrentPageLink() -

Converter::getCurrentPageURL() - Return the path to the current

Converter::getDefineLink() - return false or a defineLink to $expr

Converter::getFileSourceName() - Translate the path info into a unique file name for the highlighted source code.

Converter::getFileSourcePath() - Return the fixed path to the source-code file folder.

Converter::getFormattedConflicts() -

Converter::getFormattedDescMethods() - Get a list of methods in child classes that override this method

Converter::getFormattedDescVars() - Get a list of vars in child classes that override this var

Converter::getFormattedImplements() - returns an array containing the class inheritance tree from the root object to the class.

Converter::getFormattedInheritedConsts() - Return template-enabled list of inherited class constants

Converter::getFormattedInheritedMethods() - Return template-enabled list of inherited methods

Converter::getFormattedInheritedVars() - Return template-enabled list of inherited variables

Converter::getFormattedMethodImplements() - Get the method this method(s) implemented from an interface, if any

Converter::getFormattedOverrides() - Get the method this method overrides, if any

Converter::getFunctionLink() - return false or a functionLink to $expr

Converter::getGlobalLink() - return false or a globalLink to $expr

Converter::getGlobalValue() - Parse a global variable's default value for class initialization.

Converter::getHighlightState() -

Converter::getId() - take abstractLink descendant and text $eltext and return a

Converter::getIncludeValue() - Parse an include's file to see if it is a file documented in this project

Converter::getLink() - The meat of the @see tag and inline {@link} tag

Converter::getMethodLink() - return false or a methodLink to $expr in $class

Converter::getPageLink() - return false or a pageLink to $expr

Converter::getSortedClassTreeFromClass() - Return a tree of all classes that extend this class

Converter::getSourceLink() -

Converter::getState() - Return parserStringWithInlineTags::Convert() cache state

Converter::getTutorialId() - Return a converter-specific id to distinguish tutorials and their sections

Converter::getTutorialLink() - The meat of the @tutorial tag and inline {@tutorial} tag

Converter::getTutorialTree() - Get a tree structure representing the hierarchy of tutorials

Converter::getVarLink() - return false or a varLink to $expr in $class

Converter::hasSourceCode() - Determine whether an element's file has generated source code, used for linking to line numbers of source.

Converter::hasTutorial() -

Converter::highlightDocBlockSource() - Used to allow converters to format the source code of DocBlocks the way they'd like.

Converter::highlightSource() - Used to allow converters to format the source code the way they'd like.

Converter::highlightTutorialSource() - Used to allow converters to format the source code of Tutorial XML the way they'd like.

Converter::Italicize() - Used to convert the contents of <i> in a docblock

Converter::Kbdize() - Used to convert the contents of <kbd> in a docblock

Converter::ListItem() - Used to convert the contents of <li> in a docblock

Converter::newSmarty() - Return a Smarty template object to operate with

Converter::Output() - do all necessary output

Converter::postProcess() - This version does nothing

Converter::prepareDocBlock() - convert the element's DocBlock for output

Converter::PreserveWhiteSpace() - Used to convert the contents of <pre> in a docblock

Converter::ProgramExample() - Used to convert the <code> tag in a docblock

Converter::returnLink() - take URL $link and text $text and return a link in the format needed for the Converter

Converter::returnSee() - take abstractLink descendant and text $eltext and return a link

Converter::Sampize() - Used to convert the contents of <samp> in a docblock

Converter::setSourcePaths() - Mark a file as having had source code highlighted

Converter::setTargetDir() - Sets the output directory for generated documentation

Converter::setTemplateBase() - Set the template directory with a different template base directory

Converter::setTemplateDir() - sets the template directory based on the $outputformat and $name

Converter::sortPageContentsByElementType() - sorts $page_contents by element type as well as alphabetically

Converter::sourceLine() - Return a line of highlighted source code with formatted line number

Converter::startHighlight() - Initialize highlight caching

Converter::TranslateEntity() - Used to translate an XML DocBook entity like &rdquo; from a tutorial by reading the options.ini file for the template.

Converter::TranslateTag() - Used to translate an XML DocBook tag from a tutorial by reading the options.ini file for the template.

Converter::TutorialExample() -

Converter::type_adjust() - Called by parserReturnTag::Convert() to allow converters to change type names to desired formatting

Converter::unmangle() - Called by parserSourceInlineTag::stringConvert() to allow converters to format the source code the way they'd like.

Converter::vardump_tree() - Debugging function for dumping $tutorial_tree

Converter::Varize() - Used to convert the contents of <var> in a docblock

Converter::walk() - called by phpDocumentor_IntermediateParser::Convert() to traverse the array of pages and their elements, converting them to the output format

Converter::walk_everything() - walk over elements by package rather than page

Converter::writeExample() - Write out the formatted source code for an example php file

Converter::writeFile() - Writes a file to target dir

Converter::writeSource() - Write out the formatted source code for a php file

Converter::_rmdir() - Completely remove a directory and its contents

Converter::_setHighlightCache() -

Converter::_tutorial_path() - Returns the path to this tutorial as a string

Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:29:36 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4