Class phpDocumentor_HighlightWordParser

(line 69)



Located in File: /phpDocumentor/

Retrieve tokens from an array of tokens organized by line numbers

Class Variables


Class Constants


Method Detail

void backupPos (array|string $last_token, [bool $is_pos = false])
array|string getWord ()
array nextToken ()
void setup (array &$input, phpDocumentor_HighlightParser &$parser)

Method backupPos (line 172)

void backupPos( array|string $last_token, [bool $is_pos = false])

Overrides : phpDocumentorTWordParser::backupPos() backs the parser up to the previous position

back the word parser to the previous token as defined by $last_token


  • array|string $last_token: token, or output from nextToken()
  • bool $is_pos: if true, backupPos interprets $last_token to be the position in the internal token array of the last token


Method getWord (line 147)

array|string getWord( )

Overrides : phpDocumentorTWordParser::getWord() Retrieve a token for the phpDocumentorTParser

Retrieve the next token


  • return - either array(PHP token constant, token) or string non-specific separator

Method nextToken (line 127)

array nextToken( )

Retrieve the position of the next token that will be parsed in the internal token array


  • return - format: array(line number, position)

Method setup (line 85)

void setup( array &$input, phpDocumentor_HighlightParser &$parser)

Overrides : phpDocumentorTWordParser::setup() Uses to tokenize the source code.

Initialize the parser object



Inherited Variables

Inherited Class Variable Summary

Inherited Methods

Inherited Method Summary

Inherited From Class phpDocumentorTWordParser

phpDocumentorTWordParser::addFileSource() - Wrapper for addSource() used to retrieve the entire source code organized by line number in setup()

phpDocumentorTWordParser::addSource() - Generate source token arrays organized by line number

phpDocumentorTWordParser::backupPos() - backs the parser up to the previous position

phpDocumentorTWordParser::concatTokens() - Utility function to convert a series of tokens into a string

phpDocumentorTWordParser::findGlobal() - Tell the phpDocumentorTWordParser to return the entire global variable if it is found.

phpDocumentorTWordParser::getFileSource() - gets the source code tokens

phpDocumentorTWordParser::getSource() - loads up next set of source code

phpDocumentorTWordParser::getWord() - Retrieve a token for the phpDocumentorTParser

phpDocumentorTWordParser::setup() - Uses to tokenize the source code.

phpDocumentorTWordParser::tokenEquals() - Utility function to determine whether two tokens from the tokenizer are equal

Inherited From Class WordParser

WordParser::backupPos() - Backup to the previous token so that it can be retrieved again in a new context.

WordParser::getBlock() - Unused

WordParser::getPos() - Returns the current pointer position, or 1 character after the end of the word

WordParser::getSource() - Retrieve source code for the last function/method

WordParser::getWord() - Retrieve a token from the token list

WordParser::setPos() - Set the internal cursor within the source code

WordParser::setSeperator() - Sets the list of possible separator tokens

WordParser::setup() - Initialize the WordParser

WordParser::setWhitespace() - set parser to return or strip whitespace

Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:27:13 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4