Class parserFileSourceTag

(line 1061)



Located in File: /phpDocumentor/

represents "@filesource"

Use this to create a link to a highlighted phpxref-style source file listing

Classes extended from parserFileSourceTag:
represents "@example"

Class Variables

string $keyword
string $path
array $source

$keyword = 'filesource' (line 1067)

Data type : string

Overrides: Array

Always "filesource"

$path (line 1075)

Data type : string

$source (line 1071)

Data type : array

Class Constants


Method Detail

parserFileSourceTag parserFileSourceTag (string $filepath, array $value)
string Convert (Converter &$c)
void ConvertSource (Converter &$c)
output getSourceLink (Converter &$c)
void writeSource (Converter &$c, string $source)

Constructor parserFileSourceTag (line 1090)

parserFileSourceTag parserFileSourceTag( string $filepath, array $value)

Set $source to $value, and set up path



Method Convert (line 1106)

string Convert( Converter &$c)

Overrides : parserTag::Convert() Perform the output conversion on this parserTag using the output converter that is passed in

Return a link to the highlighted source and generate the source



Method ConvertSource (line 1124)

void ConvertSource( Converter &$c)

Overridden in child classes as:

convert the source code

convert the source code



Method getSourceLink (line 1158)

output getSourceLink( Converter &$c)

Overridden in child classes as:

Retrieve a converter-specific link to the example

gets path to the sourcecode file



Method writeSource (line 1145)

void writeSource( Converter &$c, string $source)

have the output converter write the source code


  • Converter &$c: the output converter
  • string $source: highlighted source code


Inherited Variables

Inherited Class Variable Summary

Inherited From Class parserTag

parserTag::$type - Type is used by many functions to skip the hassle of

Inherited From Class parserStringWithInlineTags

parserStringWithInlineTags::$value - array of strings and parserInlineTags

Inherited Methods

Inherited Method Summary

Inherited From Class parserTag

parserTag::parserTag() - Set up the tag

parserTag::Convert() - Perform the output conversion on this parserTag using the output converter that is passed in

parserTag::getString() - Returns the text minus any inline tags

parserTag::HandleEvent() - Called by the parserDescParser when processing a description.

Inherited From Class parserStringWithInlineTags

parserStringWithInlineTags::add() - equivalent to the . operator ($a = $b . $c)

parserStringWithInlineTags::Convert() - Use to convert the string to a real string with all inline tags parsed and linked

parserStringWithInlineTags::getString() - return the string unconverted (all inline tags are taken out - this should only be used in pre-parsing to see if any other text is in the string)

parserStringWithInlineTags::hasInlineTag() - Determine whether the string contains any inline tags

parserStringWithInlineTags::setSource() - Pass source code to any {@source} tags contained within the string for later conversion.

parserStringWithInlineTags::trimmedStrlen() - equivalent to trim(strlen($string))

Inherited From Class parserBase

parserBase::getType() - gets the type

parserBase::getValue() - gets the value

parserBase::setValue() - sets the given value

Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:26:16 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4