Located in File: /phpDocumentor/ParserDocBlock.inc
Format: array(index of global variable in @global tag list -OR- global variable name => array(datatype,parserStringWithInlineTags),...)
Unused in this version
Format: array(index of param in function parameter list -OR- parameter name => parserStringWithInlineTags,...)
Format: array(index of static variable in @global tag list -OR- static variable name => parserStaticvarTag,...)
Unused in this version
Only page-level DocBlocks may have a @filesource tag
Only page-level DocBlocks may have a @filesource tag
elements inside a class or procedural page to the package of the class/procedural page
abstract structures
Also replaces {@inheritdoc} in the $processed_desc
phpDocumentor will guess category for DocBlocks that don't have a @category tag
phpDocumentor will guess package for DocBlocks that don't have a @package tag
Setting the short description is possible by passing in one of three possible parameters:
After passing, it calls postProcess() to set up the new source
add @param tags for params in the function with no entry