Located in /phpDocumentor/Setup.inc.php (line 99)
contents of --directory commandline
contents of --filename commandline
contents of --hidden commandline
contents of --ignoresymlinks commandline
contents of --ignore commandline
Packages to create documentation for
The main parser
Used to organize output from the Parser before Conversion
Used to parse command-line options
Checks PHP version, makes sure it is 4.2.0+, and chooses the
phpDocumentorTParser if version is 4.3.0+
Parse configuration file phpDocumentor.ini
Get phpDocumentor settings from command-line or web interface
Get phpDocumentor settings from a user configuration file
Allow a memory_limit setting in phpDocumentor.ini to override php.ini or default memory limit
Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:40:21 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4