Class phpDocumentor_XML_Beautifier_Tokenizer


Highlights source code using parse()

Located in /phpDocumentor/Converters/XML/DocBook/peardoc2/Tokenizer.php (line 50)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
 phpDocumentor_XML_Beautifier_Tokenizer phpDocumentor_XML_Beautifier_Tokenizer ()
 mixed checkEventPop ( $word,  $pevent)
 mixed checkEventPush ( $word,  $pevent)
 void configWordParser ($value $e)
 void getParserEventName ( $value)
 void incdataHandler (object XML $parser, string $cdata)
 bool parseString (string $parse_data, Converter 1, false|string 2, false|integer 3)
 void setupStates (boolean $parsedata, false|string 1)
array $eventHandlers = array(
(line 64)
Constructor phpDocumentor_XML_Beautifier_Tokenizer (line 570)

Initialize the $tokenpushEvent, $wordpushEvent arrays

phpDocumentor_XML_Beautifier_Tokenizer phpDocumentor_XML_Beautifier_Tokenizer ()
checkEventPop (line 535)

this function checks whether parameter $word is a token for popping the current event off of the Event Stack.

  • return: returns false, or the event number popped off of the stack
mixed checkEventPop ( $word,  $pevent)
  • $word
  • $pevent
checkEventPush (line 513)

this function checks whether parameter $word is a token for pushing a new event onto the Event Stack.

  • return: returns false, or the event number
mixed checkEventPush ( $word,  $pevent)
  • $word
  • $pevent
configWordParser (line 504)

tell the parser's WordParser $wp to set up tokens to parse words by.

tokens are word separators. In English, a space or punctuation are examples of tokens. In PHP, a token can be a ;, a parenthesis, or even the word "function"

void configWordParser ($value $e)
  • $value $e: integer an event number
getParserEventName (line 661)
void getParserEventName ( $value)
  • $value
incdataHandler (line 408)

Handler for real character data

  • access: protected
void incdataHandler (object XML $parser, string $cdata)
  • object XML $parser: parser object
  • string $cdata: CDATA
parseString (line 108)

Parse a new file

The parse() method is a do...while() loop that retrieves tokens one by one from the $_event_stack, and uses the token event array set up by the class constructor to call event handlers.

The event handlers each process the tokens passed to them, and use the _addoutput() method to append the processed tokens to the $_line variable. The word parser calls newLineNum() every time a line is reached.

In addition, the event handlers use special linking functions _link() and its cousins (_classlink(), etc.) to create in-code hyperlinks to the documentation for source code elements that are in the source code.

bool parseString (string $parse_data, Converter 1, false|string 2, false|integer 3)
  • Converter 1
  • false|string 2: full path to file with @filesource tag, if this is a @filesource parse
  • false|integer 3: starting line number from {@source linenum}
  • string $parse_data
setupStates (line 553)

Initialize all parser state variables

void setupStates (boolean $parsedata, false|string 1)
  • false|string 1: name of class we are going to start from
  • boolean $parsedata: true if we are highlighting an inline {@source} tag's output

Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:40:30 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4