Class to handle file and user io opperations
Located in /phpDocumentor/ (line 50)
Format: array(array(regexp-ready string to search for whole path,
regexp-ready string to search for basename of ignore strings),...)
Holds all the options that are avaible to the cmd line interface
and to the different web interfaces
A specific array of values that boolean-based arguments can understand, aided by the decideOnOrOff() helper method.
Use lowercase letters always, to simplify string comparisons
creates an array $this->phpDocOptions and sets program options in it.
Array is in the format of:
[filename][tag][] = "f"; [filename][tag][] = "-file"; [filename][desc] "name of file to parse"
Tell whether to ignore a file or a directory allows * and ? wildcards
create the help message for display on the command-line
Take a filename with wildcards and return all files that match the
Retrieve common directory (case-insensitive in windows)
takes the list of files, and returns the subdirectory they share in common, so in this list:
getBase will return "/dir1/dir2"
Converts $s into a string that can be used with preg_match
Retrieve tutorial subdirectories and their contents from the list of
files to parse
calls for each value in include_path,
then calls when it finds the file
Reads a file and returns it as a string Does basic error checking
file extensions are set in
Removes files from the $dir array that do not match the search string in
Construct the $ignore array
Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:34:06 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4