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inline {@internal}}

Mark documentation as private, internal to the software project in text flow

by Gregory Beaver
Tag Documentation written by [email protected]
Copyright 2002, Gregory Beaver
(phpDocumentor 1.2+)
{@internal any text including inline tags }}


Unlike other inline tags, {@internal}} may contain other inline tags due to its purpose. To terminate an {@internal}} inline tag, you must use two ending brackets "}}"

Use {@internal}} to facilitate the creation of two sets of documentation, one for advanced developers or for internal company use, and the other for the general PHP public. Use this inline tag or its cousin, @internal

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inline {@id} phpDocumentor Inline tags inline {@inheritdoc}

Documentation generated on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 07:15:57 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4