Class parserTutorialInlineTag

(line 278)



Located in File: /phpDocumentor/

Represents inline links to external tutorial documentation

Class Variables


Class Constants


Method Detail

parserTutorialInlineTag parserTutorialInlineTag (string $link, string $text)
mixed Convert (Converter &$c)

Constructor parserTutorialInlineTag (line 286)

parserTutorialInlineTag parserTutorialInlineTag( string $link, string $text)




Method Convert (line 302)

mixed Convert( Converter &$c)

Overrides : parserLinkInlineTag::Convert() calls the output conversion

convert part of the tag


  • Converter &$c: converter used to change the abstract link into text for display


  • return - returns the converted link or false if not converted successfully
  • todo - CS cleanup - rename to convert for camelCase rule

Inherited Variables

Inherited Class Variable Summary

Inherited From Class parserLinkInlineTag

parserLinkInlineTag::$linktext - text to display in the link, can be different from the link for standard

Inherited From Class parserInlineTag

parserInlineTag::$inlinetype - the name of the inline tag (like link)

parserInlineTag::$type - Element type

Inherited From Class parserBase

parserBase::$value - set to different things by its descendants

Inherited Methods

Inherited Method Summary

Inherited From Class parserLinkInlineTag

parserLinkInlineTag::parserLinkInlineTag() - sets up the tag

parserLinkInlineTag::Convert() - calls the output conversion

parserLinkInlineTag::ConvertPart() - convert part of the tag

Inherited From Class parserInlineTag

parserInlineTag::parserInlineTag() - sets up the tag

parserInlineTag::getString() - always gets an empty string

parserInlineTag::Strlen() - get length of the tag

Inherited From Class parserBase

parserBase::getType() - gets the type

parserBase::getValue() - gets the value

parserBase::setValue() - sets the given value

Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:28:06 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4