Source for file
Documentation is available at
* CHM (Compiled Help Manual) output converter for Smarty Template.
* phpDocumentor :: automatic documentation generator
* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Andrew Eddie, Greg Beaver
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @copyright 2000-2006 Joshua Eichorn, Gregory Beaver
* @license LGPL
* @version CVS: $Id: 317233 2011-09-24 04:30:11Z ashnazg $
* @link
* @link
* Generates files that MS HTML Help Worshop can use to create a MS Windows
* compiled help file (CHM)
* The free MS HTML Help compiler takes the project file (phpdoc.hhp) and reads
* the table of contents file specified in the project (which is always contents.hhc
* in phpDocumentor). When the converter reaches stable state, it will also
* output an index file index.hhk. The free download for MS HTML Help Workshop
* @link MS HTML Help Workshop download
* @version $Revision: 317233 $
* CHMdefaultConverter wants elements sorted by type as well as alphabetically
* @see Converter::$sort_page_contents_by_type
* indexes of elements by package that need to be generated
var $leftindex =
array('classes' =>
true, 'pages' =>
true, 'functions' =>
true, 'defines' =>
false, 'globals' =>
* output directory for the current procedural page being processed
* target directory passed on the command-line.
* {@link $targetDir} is malleable, always adding package/ and package/subpackage/ subdirectories onto it.
* output directory for the current class being processed
* array of converted package page names.
* Used to link to the package page in the left index
* @var array Format: array(package => 1)
* controls formatting of parser informative output
* "Converting /path/to/file.php... Procedural Page Elements... Classes..."
* Since CHMdefaultConverter outputs files while converting, it needs to send a \n to start a new line. However, if there
* is more than one class, output is messy, with multiple \n's just between class file output. This variable prevents that
* contains all of the template procedural page element loop data needed for the current template
* contains all of the template class element loop data needed for the current template
* Table of Contents entry for index.hhk
* sets {@link $base_dir} to $targetDir
function CHMdefaultConverter(&$allp, &$packp, &$classes, &$procpages, $po, $pp, $qm, $targetDir, $templateDir, $title)
Converter::Converter($allp, $packp, $classes, $procpages,$po, $pp, $qm, $targetDir, $templateDir, $title);
* @deprecated in favor of PHP 4.3.0+ tokenizer-based source highlighting
$sourcecode =
$sourcecode =
* @param string full path to the source file
* @param string fully highlighted source code
$pathinfo =
$this->proceduralpages->getPathInfo($path, $this);
$pathinfo =
$this->proceduralpages->getPathInfo($path, $this);
$path,$pathinfo['package'],$pathinfo['subpackage'], false);
* Retrieve a Converter-specific anchor to a segment of a source code file
* parsed via a {@tutorial tags.filesource.pkg} tag.
* @param string full path to source file
* @param string name of anchor
* @param string link text, if this is a link
* @param boolean returns either a link or a destination based on this
* @return string link to an anchor, or the anchor
return '<a name="a'.
* Return a line of highlighted source code with formatted line number
* If the $path is a full path, then an anchor to the line number will be
* @param integer line number
* @param string highlighted source code line
* @param false|stringfull path to @filesource file this line is a part of,
* if this is a single line from a complete file.
* @return string formatted source code line with line number
function sourceLine($linenumber, $line, $path =
return '<li><div class="src-line">' .
$this->getSourceAnchor($path, $linenumber) .
return '<li><div class="src-line">' .
str_replace("\n",'',$line) .
* Used to convert the <<code>> tag in a docblock
function ProgramExample($example, $tutorial =
false, $inlinesourceparse =
$class =
null/*false*/, $linenum =
null/*false*/, $filesourcepath =
return $this->curname .
* Uses htmlspecialchars() on the input
return str_replace(array(' ',"\t"), array(' ', ' '),
* Use the template tutorial_toc.tpl to generate a table of contents for HTML
* @return string table of contents formatted for use in the current output format
* @param array format: array(array('tagname' => section, 'link' => returnsee link, 'id' => anchor name, 'title' => from title tag),...)
return $template->fetch('tutorial_toc.tpl');
if (!isset
if (!isset
($start)) $start =
$this->package_index[] =
array('link' =>
"li_$key.html", 'title' =>
* Writes out the template file of {@link $class_data} and unsets the template to save memory
* @see registerCurrentClass()
* @see parent::endClass()
* Writes out the template file of {@link $page_data} and unsets the template to save memory
* @return string <a href="'.$link.'">'.$text.'</a>
return '<a href="'.
* CHMdefaultConverter chooses to format both package indexes and the complete index here
* This function formats output for the elementindex.html and pkgelementindex.html template files. It then
* writes them to the target directory
* @see generateElementIndex(), generatePkgElementIndex()
$this->package =
$template->assign("title","Package ".
" Element Index");
" Alphabetical Index",'elementindex_'.
* CHMdefaultConverter uses this function to format template index.html and packages.html
* This function generates the package list from {@link $all_packages}, eliminating any
* packages that don't have any entries in their package index (no files at all, due to @ignore
* or other factors). Then it uses the default package name as the first package index to display.
* It sets the right pane to be either a blank file with instructions on making package-level docs,
* or the package-level docs for the default package.
* @global string Used to set the starting package to display
global $phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName;
$template->assign("title","Element Index");
$this->addTOC("Alphabetical Index Of All Elements",'elementindex',"Index",'');
if (!isset
($start)) $start =
if (isset
($this->pkg_elements[$phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName])) $start =
if (isset
foreach($this->tutorials[$start]['']['pkg'] as $tute)
if ($tute->name ==
$start .
$this->addTOC("Start page",$start.
$this->addTOC("Start page",'package_'.
$this->addTOC("Start page",'blank',"Index",'');
$this->addTOC("$key Index","li_$key",$key,'');
* Generate indexes for li_package.html and classtree output files
* This function generates the li_package.html files from the template file left.html. It does this by
* iterating through each of the $page_elements, $class_elements and $function_elements arrays to retrieve
* the pre-sorted {@link abstractLink} descendants needed for index generation. Conversion of these links to
* text is done by {@link returnSee()}. The {@link $local} parameter is set to false to ensure that paths are correct.
* Then it uses {@link generateFormattedClassTrees()} to create class trees from the template file classtrees.html. Output
* filename is classtrees_packagename.html. This function also unsets {@link $elements} and {@link $pkg_elements} to free
* up the considerable memory these two class vars use
* @see $page_elements, $class_elements, $function_elements
if (0)//!isset($this->left))
debug("Nothing parsed, check the command-line");
// Create class tree page
$this->addTOC("$package Class Trees","classtrees_$package",$package,'');
// free up considerable memory
* This function takes an {@link abstractLink} descendant and returns an html link
* @param abstractLink a descendant of abstractlink should be passed, and never text
* @param string text to display in the link
* @param boolean this parameter is not used, and is deprecated
* @param boolean determines whether the returned text is enclosed in an <a> tag
function returnSee(&$element, $eltext =
false, $with_a =
if (!$element) return false;
if (!$with_a) return $this->getId($element, false);
$eltext .=
$eltext .=
if ($element->type ==
'function' ||
$element->type ==
'method') $eltext .=
return '<a href="'.
function getId($element, $fullpath =
$element =
} elseif (is_a($element, 'parserbase'))
$element =
if (!empty($element->subpackage))
$c =
return $b.
return $b.
return $element->type.
return $b.
return $b.
return $element->type.
$d =
return $b.
foreach($this->todoList as $package =>
foreach($alltodos as $todos)
$converted['link'] =
$converted['todos'][] =
foreach($todos[1] as $todo)
$converted['todos'][] =
$todolist[$package][] =
$this->addTOC('Todo List','todolist','Index','',false,true);
$this->addKLink('Todo List', 'todolist', '', 'Development');
* Convert README/INSTALL/CHANGELOG file contents to output format
* @param string contents of the file
$this->addKLink($name, 'ric_'.
$name, '', 'Development');
$name .
* Create errors.html template file output
* This method takes all parsing errors and warnings and spits them out ordered by file and line number.
* @global ErrorTracker We'll be using it's output facility
global $phpDocumentor_errors;
$warnings =
$errors =
foreach($warnings as $warning)
$linenum .=
' on line '.
$files[$file]['warnings'][] =
array('name' =>
$linenum, 'listing' =>
foreach($errors as $error)
$linenum .=
' on line '.
$files[$file]['errors'][] =
array('name' =>
$linenum, 'listing' =>
foreach($allfiles as $file =>
$allfiles[0] =
foreach($allfiles as $i =>
$allfiles[$i] =
array('file' =>
foreach($files as $file =>
if ($file ==
'##none') $file =
$template->assign("title","phpDocumentor Parser Errors and Warnings");
* Converts package page and sets its package as used in {@link $package_pages}
* @param parserPackagePage
$this->package =
$contents =
" Tutorial",'package_'.
" Tutorial", 'package_'.
$element->package, '', 'Tutorials');
if ($element->subpackage) $a .=
$contents =
if ($element->package ==
$GLOBALS['phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName'] &&
empty($element->subpackage) &&
($element->name ==
$element->package .
$this->addTOC($a =
strip_tags($element->getTitle($this)), 'tutorial_'.
$element->package, $element->subpackage, false, true);
$this->addKLink($element->getTitle($this), $element->package .
$a .
* Converts class for template output
* @see prepareDocBlock(), generateChildClassList(), generateFormattedClassTree(), getFormattedConflicts()
* @see getFormattedInheritedMethods(), getFormattedInheritedVars()
$this->class_dir =
if ($element->docblock->subpackage !=
'') $a =
$this->class_data->assign("title","Docs For Class " .
$this->class_data->assign("page",$element->getName() .
* Converts class variables for template output
* @see prepareDocBlock(), getFormattedConflicts()
parent::convertVar($element, array('var_dest' =>
* Converts class constants for template output
* @see prepareDocBlock(), getFormattedConflicts()
* Converts class methods for template output
* @see prepareDocBlock(), getFormattedConflicts()
* Converts function for template output
* @see prepareDocBlock(), parserFunction::getFunctionCall(), getFormattedConflicts()
$funcloc =
* Converts include elements for template output
parent::convertInclude($element, array('include_file' =>
strtr($element->getValue(),array('"' =>
'', "'" =>
'','.' =>
* Converts defines for template output
* @see prepareDocBlock(), getFormattedConflicts()
* Converts global variables for template output
* converts procedural pages for template output
* @see prepareDocBlock(), getClassesOnPage()
$this->page_dir =
// registering stuff on the template
$this->page_data->assign("title","Docs for page ".
return '_'.
* returns an array containing the class inheritance tree from the root object to the class
* @param parserClass class variable
* @return array Format: array(root,child,child,child,...,$class)
* @uses parserClass::getParentClassTree()
$tree =
$result =
$parent =
$subpackage =
$package =
$x =
if (!$x) $x =
$parent =
elseif (isset
$parent =
count($result) -
count($result) -
) $my_nbsp .=
$distance[$i] =
return array('classes'=>
function sortMethod($a, $b)
if ($a->isConstructor) return -
if ($b->isConstructor) return 1;
* returns a template-enabled array of class trees
* @param string $package package to generate a class tree for
* @see $roots, HTMLConverter::getRootTree()
if (!isset
($this->roots['normal'][$package]) &&
($this->roots['special'][$package])) {
if (isset
($this->roots['normal'][$package])) {
$roots =
$root =
$this->classes->getClassByPackage($roots[$i], $package);
if ($root &&
$root->isInterface()) {
if (isset
($this->roots['special'][$package])) {
$roots =
foreach ($roots as $parent =>
$classes) {
foreach ($classes as $classinfo) {
$root =
$this->classes->getClassByPackage($classinfo, $package);
if ($root &&
$root->isInterface()) {
'class_tree' =>
"<ul>\n" .
$thistree .
* returns a template-enabled array of interface inheritance trees
* @param string $package package to generate a class tree for
* @see $roots, HTMLConverter::getRootTree()
if (!isset
($this->roots['normal'][$package]) &&
($this->roots['special'][$package])) {
if (isset
($this->roots['normal'][$package])) {
$roots =
$root =
$this->classes->getClassByPackage($roots[$i], $package);
if ($root &&
!$root->isInterface()) {
if (isset
($this->roots['special'][$package])) {
$roots =
foreach ($roots as $parent =>
$classes) {
foreach ($classes as $classinfo) {
$root =
$this->classes->getClassByPackage($classinfo, $package);
if ($root &&
!$root->isInterface()) {
'class_tree' =>
"<ul>\n" .
$thistree .
* return formatted class tree for the Class Trees page
* @param array $tree output from {@link getSortedClassTreeFromClass()}
* @param string $package package
* @param boolean $nounknownparent if true, an object's parent will not be checked
* @see Classes::$definitechild, generateFormattedClassTrees()
function getRootTree($tree, $package, $noparent =
if (!$noparent &&
// debug("parent ".$tree[$cur]['parent']." not found");
$my_tree .=
'<li>' .
$tree[$cur]['parent'] .
// debug("parent ".$this->returnSee($tree[$cur]['parent'])." in other package");
$my_tree .=
'<li>' .
if ($tree[$cur]['parent']->package !=
$package) $my_tree .=
' <b>(Different package)</b><ul>';
// fancy_debug($cur,$lastcur,$kids);
if (count($tree[$cur]['children']))
// debug("$cur has children");
// debug("set $cur kids");
$my_tree .=
(,$cur) =
// var_dump('listed',$cur);
$cur =
$cur['package'] .
'#' .
// debug("set cur to child $cur");
// $my_tree .= '<li>'.$this->returnSee($tree[$cur]['link']);
// debug("end of children for $cur");
$cur =
array_pop($lastcur); // will fall into infinite loop if this second array_pop() is removed
$my_tree .=
// debug("$cur has no children");
$my_tree .=
$my_tree .=
* Generate indexing information for given element
* @param parserElement descendant of parserElement
* @see generateElementIndex()
$Result['type'] =
$Result['file_name'] =
$Result['path'] =
if (isset
$Result['description'] =
if ($elt->docblock->hasaccess)
$Result['access'] =
$Result['access'] =
$Result['abstract'] = isset
$Result['description'] =
$aa =
if (!empty($aa)) $aa =
"<br> $aa";
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'in file '.
', class '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'in file '.
', constant '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'in file '.
', global variable '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'in file '.
', function '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
if ($elt->isConstructor) $Result['constructor'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'in file '.
', method '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['link'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'in file '.
', variable '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'in file '.
', class constant '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'procedural page '.
$Result['name'] =
$Result['title'] =
$Result['link'] =
$Result['listing'] =
'include '.
* Generate alphabetical index of all elements
foreach($this->elements as $letter =>
foreach($this->elements[$letter] as $i =>
if ($this->elements[$letter][$i]->type !=
if (!isset
$letters[]['letter'] =
$elindex['letter'] =
if (isset
$elementindex[] =
($letters[count($letters) -
return array($elementindex,$letters);
$versionControlDirectories =
array ('CVS', 'media/CVS', 'media\\CVS', '.svn', 'media/.svn', 'media\\.svn');
foreach($media as $dir =>
if (in_array($dir, $versionControlDirectories))
* calls the converter setTargetDir, and then copies any template images and the stylesheet if they haven't been copied
* @see Converter::setTargetDir()
if ($this->wrote) return;
$template_images =
* Generate alphabetical index of all elements by package and subpackage
* @param string $package name of a package
* @see $pkg_elements, walk(), generatePkgElementIndexes()
// var_dump($this->pkg_elements[$package]);
foreach($this->pkg_elements[$package] as $subpackage =>
if (empty($els)) continue;
if (!empty($subpackage)) $subp =
" (<b>subpackage:</b> $subpackage)"; else $subp =
foreach($els as $letter =>
foreach($els[$letter] as $i =>
if ($els[$letter][$i]->type !=
if (!isset
$letters[]['letter'] =
$letterind[$letter] =
count($letters) -
$elindex[$letter]['letter'] =
($letter,$tempel) =
$elementindex[] =
} else $letters =
return array($elementindex,$letters);
* @see generatePkgElementIndex()
$package_names =
$pkgs['package'] =
$pkg['package'] =
if (count($pkg['pindex']))
$package_names[] =
foreach($packages as $i =>
if ($package_names[$j]['package'] !=
$package['package']) $pnames[] =
$packages[$i]['packageindexes'] =
return array($packages,$package_names,$letters);
* @param string name of class
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the class's documentation
* @see parent::getClassLink()
function getClassLink($expr,$package, $file =
false,$text =
false, $with_a =
* @param string name of function
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the function's documentation
* @see parent::getFunctionLink()
* @param string name of define
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the define's documentation
* @see parent::getDefineLink()
function getDefineLink($expr,$package, $file =
false,$text =
* @param string name of global variable
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the global variable's documentation
* @see parent::getGlobalLink()
function getGlobalLink($expr,$package, $file =
false,$text =
* @param string name of procedural page
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the procedural page's documentation
* @see parent::getPageLink()
function getPageLink($expr,$package, $path =
false,$text =
* @param string name of method
* @param string class containing method
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the method's documentation
* @see parent::getMethodLink()
function getMethodLink($expr,$class,$package, $file =
false,$text =
* @param string name of var
* @param string class containing var
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the var's documentation
* @see parent::getVarLink()
function getVarLink($expr,$class,$package, $file =
false,$text =
* @param string name of class constant
* @param string class containing class constant
* @param string package name
* @param string full path to look in (used in index generation)
* @param boolean deprecated
* @param boolean return just the URL, or enclose it in an html a tag
* @return mixed false if not found, or an html a link to the var's documentation
* @see parent::getVarLink()
function getConstLink($expr,$class,$package, $file =
false,$text =
* does a nat case sort on the specified second level value of the array
* does a nat case sort on the specified second level value of the array.
* this one puts constructors first
if (strpos($aa,'CONSTRUCTOR') ===
if (strpos($bb,'CONSTRUCTOR') ===
* Write a file to disk, and add it to the {@link $hhp_files} list of files
* to include in the generated CHM
* @uses $hhp_files creates the array by adding parameter $file
$this->hhp_files[]['name'] =
foreach($this->TOC as $package =>
foreach($TOC1 as $subpackage =>
foreach($types as $type =>
$templ1->assign('entry', array());
// use book icon for classes
if ($type ==
'Classes') {
$templ1->append('entry', array('paramname' =>
$file[0],'outputfile' =>
$file[1],'isclass' =>
$templ1->append('entry', array('paramname' =>
$file[0],'outputfile' =>
$templ->assign('entry', array(array('paramname' =>
$comp_types .=
$templ->assign('entry', array(array('paramname' =>
$comp_subs .=
$comp_subs1 =
$templ->assign('entry', array(array('paramname' =>
$package, 'tocsubentries' =>
$templ->assign('entry', array(array('paramname' =>
$comppack .=
function addSourceTOC($name, $file, $package, $subpackage, $source =
$sub =
$source ?
'Source Code' :
$this->TOC[$package][$subpackage][$sub][] =
array($name, $file);
function addTOC($name,$file,$package,$subpackage,$class =
false,$tutorial =
$sub =
$class ?
'Classes' :
if ($tutorial) $sub =
$this->TOC[$package][$subpackage][$sub][] =
* Add an item to the index.hhk file
* @param string $name index entry name
* @param string $file filename containing index
* @param string $bookmark html anchor of location in file, if any
* @param string $group group this entry with a string
* @uses $KLinks tracks the index
function addKLink($name, $file, $bookmark=
'', $group=
// debug("added $name, $file, $bookmark, $group ");
$link .=
$bookmark ?
"#$bookmark" :
$this->KLinks[$group]['grouplink'] =
$this->KLinks[$group][] =
$this->KLinks[] =
* Get the table of contents for index.hhk
* @return string contents of tocentry.tpl generated from $KLinks
$templ->assign('entry', array());
foreach($this->KLinks as $group=>
if (isset
($link['grouplink'])) {
$templg->assign('entry', array());
foreach($link as $k=>
$templg->append('entry', array('paramname' =>
$sublink[0],'outputfile' =>
$templ->append('entry', array('paramname' =>
$group, 'outputfile' =>
$link['grouplink'], 'tocsubentries' =>
$templg->fetch('tocentry.tpl') ));
$templ->append('entry', array('paramname' =>
$link[0],'outputfile' =>
return $templ->fetch('tocentry.tpl');
* Create the phpdoc.hhp, contents.hhc files needed by MS HTML Help Compiler
* The output function generates the table of contents (contents.hhc)
* and file list (phpdoc.hhp) files used to create a .CHM by the
* free MS HTML Help compiler.
* Using {@link $hhp_files}, a list of all separate .html files
* is created in CHM format, and written to phpdoc.hhp. This list was
* generated by {@link writefile}.
* Next, a call to the table of contents:
* @todo use to directly call html help compiler hhc.exe
* @link
* @uses generateTOC() assigns to the toc template variable
phpDocumentor_out("NOTE: to create the documentation.chm file, you must now run Microsoft Help Workshop on phpdoc.hhp\n");
phpDocumentor_out("To get the free Microsoft Help Workshop, browse to:\n");
* @global string name of the package to set as the first package
function CHMdefault_pindexcmp($a, $b)
global $phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName;
if ($a['title'] ==
$phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName) return -
if ($b['title'] ==
$phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName) return 1;
function CHMdefault_lettersort($a, $b)
function CHMdefault_outputfilter($src, &$smarty)
return str_replace('../',$smarty->_tpl_vars['subdir'],$src);
Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 21:13:34 -0600 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4